Today in the practice of dentistry, tooth implants are the most preferred prosthetics for the replacement of lost teeth. An implant is a metallic fixture that is surgically placed inside your jawbone, where it fuses with your bone to act as a root for the missing tooth. After implants get installed successfully, they offer a foundation for removable or fixed replacement teeth to be placed.
The time allowed for the fusion process between the jawbone and tooth implant gives the implant great stability such that it becomes able to maintain its position and stand without getting support from nearby teeth.
Titanium is the material used to make most dental implants because of the bio-compatible property that allows it to integrate with bone tissue without the body recognizing it as a foreign material. As the world evolved, more research was done to improve the outcomes of this dental procedure, and thanks to such efforts because today, the implant procedure has a 98 percent success rate.
You can dental implants in Pearland, TX, if you have one or several missing teeth. The main goal of dental implant treatment procedures is to restore both tooth function and aesthetics. When you visit a dentist near you for solutions to replace a missing tooth, you are likely to get the following three options:
Of the three, dentures are the cheapest option but are less desirable. This is because it is a removable appliance, which is an inconvenience to most people. Dentures can also affect your sensory and taste experience with foods.
Before implants gained popularity, bridgeworks were a common restorative practice. The con to this procedure was that tooth bridges always rely on your remaining natural teeth for support. Thus, people shifted to implants as they had more to offer.
Deciding on the option to go for is always a hard decision, and that is why you should seek the opinion of a dental expert on the matter. For instance, getting implants will depend on:
At Harmony Dental Clinic, our dentist will first examine your mouth and conduct a clinical assessment before recommending this treatment plan.
Many benefits come with choosing dental implants over other replacement methods. Teeth implants are stable and conservative, and the procedure does not affect or alter adjacent teeth. Their stability also makes them ideal for supporting removable dentures and offer a more comfortable and secure fit.
During the initial consultation and planning appointment, our dentist in 77581, Pearland, will examine your oral cavity visually and then proceed to dental imaging procedures like x-rays and panoramic films if more information is required. Your jawbone will be assessed to ensure it is sufficient for the procedure. Once you qualify as a candidate, an appointment for the surgical placement of the implant will be scheduled.
During the surgical placement appointment, patients are usually under local anesthetic or other oral sedatives to make them relaxed and comfortable and make the procedure pain-free.
The first step of the procedure would involve removing the remaining damaged tooth if there was any that remained. If you do not have a solid bone base, a synthetic or cadaver bone will be placed and given a healing time of three to six months. You will be ready for the surgery once there is sufficient bone present.
After healing, your implant will be fixed into your jawbone with the aid of special drilling equipment and other dental tools. A special “healing cap” will be placed to protect the implant site and then followed by stitching up the gum. During your healing phase, you can choose to get temporary dentures for esthetic concerns. Avoid putting stress or pressure on your implant before it completely hits. Also, keep up with your follow-up visits to the dentist to ensure no bacterial infection is present, and the healing is progressing as required.
Once the implant has healed, an abutment is connected with the implant and will be used as an attachment site for a crown.