Dental decay is a common occurrence among many people. It happens when the enamel of the tooth and dentin are softened by an acid attack when sugary foods are had. With time the acid creates a cavity in the tooth leading to the condition popularly known as tooth decay or dental caries. The cause of tooth decay is the acids released by plaque that gradually dissolve the enamel and dentin of the tooth. Tooth decay damages the teeth causing it need fillings or to be extracted. It can happen to adults as well as children causing them to make frequent visits to the dentist’s office for a remedy. If people are affected by tooth decay they should try to understand how to work on it and schedule an appointment with the dentist immediately to get rid of the problem by Christmas. The effort will make it possible for people to welcome Christmas with a healthy smile rather than show off the tooth decay.
The decay occurs when the sugars in foods and beverages interact with the bacteria in the plaque to form acids. When people regularly have these foods containing sugar’s their teeth are attacked by the acids to begin dissolving the enamel. The duration of the attacks can last for about an hour after having the food. The natural salts in the saliva make it possible for the enamel to re-remineralize and harden again. Some types of carbohydrates and drinks also react with the plaque to form acids. These are the hidden sugars and are known as fermentable carbohydrates in processed food. People wishing to avoid tooth decay must make an attempt to stop having sugary and acidic drinks between meals as it can increase the risks of the decay creeping in. Their teeth are constantly exposed to attacks and do not have the time to recover.
Initially, people will not observe any signs or symptoms of tooth decay. If they avoid regular dental visits for cleanings and exams they will be preventing their dental team and unfortunately to spot the decay in its early stages. An early examination of your mouth and teeth will make it possible for your dental team to spot any cavities and treat them in the early stages.
Your Tooth will become sensitive to sweet drinks and foods and even hot foods after the cavity has reached the dentin of your teeth. As the decay gets closer to the dental pulp you will begin to suffer from toothaches. The toothache may only last for a few seconds if it is brought on by hot or sweet foods. The pain will increase as the decay reaches the dental pulp and make it necessary for you to rely on painkillers for relief. At this stage, it is important for you to schedule an appointment with your dental team immediately because your tooth is dying and if untreated can develop an abscess.
A toothache is an indicator that you should visit your dental team right away because you are being warned that something is wrong in your mouth. Neglecting the problem is only attempting to make it worse leading to an extraction becoming necessary on a tooth that would otherwise have been saved.
The biting surfaces of the teeth and the spaces between the teeth are most prone to tooth decay. These are areas were food particles, debris, and plaque can remain stuck. However, it must be understood that any part of the tooth is prone to tooth decay if left untreated.
If the decay is not serious the dental team will remove it and repair the tooth a filling. The dental team may also use sealants to provide additional protection to the tooth. If if they observe nerve damage the dentist may recommend conducting a root canal to remove the nerve before repairing the tooth with a filling or crown. The dentist will recommend extracting the tooth if it is badly decayed and cannot be repaired.
The best way to prevent tooth decay altogether is to adopt the following habits:
If you are prepared to follow the advice provided stringently you can confidently welcome Christmas having said goodbye to tooth decay well before it arrives.