Mythbusters: Which DIY Tooth Whitening Remedies Really Work?

Mythbusters: Which DIY Tooth Whitening Remedies Really Work?

Dec 01, 2018

If you’ve been dreaming about a picture-perfect white smile, you may be tempted to try some methods that you think will get you there, but in actuality, they won’t.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular treatments people have been trying at home.

Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide is a common option many people try at home, believing that since it can bleach hair it should be able to bleach teeth. The truth is, that while hydrogen peroxide does have some bleaching ability by nature, it will take months and months of use to see any difference in your teeth.

Baking soda is another choice for DIYers since it’s a common additive to some toothpastes, but what many people don’t realize is that the product only eliminates the top layer of stains.

You’ve probably seen the claim to fame of apple cider vinegar – it’s heralded to clean just about everything. But the truth is that apple cider vinegar is very acidic which means that any whitening benefit is offset by potential damage to your teeth.

Coconut oil has been in the press a lot lately due to its many health benefits. And while it can have many benefits to general health, there is absolutely no evidence that it can benefit your teeth by making them whiter.

Your grocery store is probably packed with whitening toothpastes, but buyer beware. Yes, they can remove minor stains, but when they’re used for too long, they can start to erode your enamel – plus the stains return!

Next in line are commercial whitening strips. Do they work? The same is true as with whitening toothpastes. When they’re used for too long, they can start to do damage to your teeth.

Over-the-counter whitening kits come with limitations, too. Users often find that getting the application method right can be tricky, plus there have been complaints of gum sensitivity arising from improper use of the bleaching component.

So, what’s the answer? A professional whitening kit prescribed by a dentist. The kit will be designed with trays that fit your teeth so you’ll know you’re getting the right amount of treatment for maximum benefit.

But if you won’t want to worry about managing the process yourself, Harmony Dental offers treatments in our office that will take all of the guesswork away. Make your appointment today for a whiter smile tomorrow!