Do you need a dental bone grafting? Read this to know.

Do you need a dental bone grafting? Read this to know.

May 01, 2020

Bone grafting sounds like a complicated procedure. In dentistry, it is a procedure that you may need even if you do not know. Here are some of the reasons that may send you to the dentist seat for the procedure

In Dentistry, bone grafting comes in handy. The procedure can restore your look to the perfect look that you desire even after having significant physical damage on your teeth.  It is a minor surgical procedure, which can be performed within the dentist’s office, and you get your teeth corrected.  In addition to benefiting your looks, bone grafting also improves your health.

The process involves having an incursion made on the gum so that the bone that lies under the gum can be accessed for a firm attachment of the bone. The grafting material is then added once the bone can be accessed to allow the two to connect in a way that the teeth can be functional.

There are various forms of grafting materials. Synthetics substances can be used for the purposes of grafting. The forms may also vary from granules, powder, putty, or even gel.  However, a collagen membrane is usually used to cover the graft so that there can be the optimum repair of the bone. The membrane functions as a scaffold where the body can build a new bone to complete the process.

In most cases, you will have your grafts made from bone minerals that allow your body to be able to deposit new bone cells. You may get the grafting material from your body or from a human donor.  However, the material should be treated in the laboratory so that it becomes sterile and safe for you.

Uses of bone grafts in dentistry

While knowing the procedure and the process of grafting is important. One should also know situations when bone grafting would be necessary. The following are the situations when a dentist would recommend bone grafting to correct a particular situation.

For the purposes of saving teeth

Dental diseases have the potential to result in tooth loss. Often, when teeth become loose out of the diseases they get lost. However, the teeth can be saved if the bone that holds the teeth is salvaged. This requires the regeneration of the teeth.  Grafting can improve bone support and restore the teeth within its positions. The procedure enables the teeth to have a firm anchor that holds it within its place.

Tooth extraction procedures

Grafting materials fits perfectly in place when a tooth has been extracted awaiting implants. For this purpose, bone grafts can be used temporarily to save face and ensure that the aesthetic value of the face is maintained by having a perfect fitting for the teeth in place. In this case, the bone grafting offers a perfect solution because it can take up the place as the implants are awaited. In the event you desire not to have the implants, then the bone graft can hold the place.

Dental implants

The dental implant procedure involves having an optimal tooth replacement whereby a small titanium post is attached to the jawbone. A dental crown that is very realistic and looks exactly like a real tooth is attached to close the gap offering a permanent replacement to the missing tooth. However, for the function and purpose of the implant to a good bone density volume is needed. Bone grafting provides what is necessary to enhance the level of bone density and restore the functioning of the implants as perfect teeth.

If you have any of these situations within your teeth then what you need is Cosmetic dentistry near Pearland. Cosmetic dentistry near Pearland can restore your dental structure through Bone Grafting in Pearland. With the Bone Grafting in Pearland, you get to enjoy having your tooth back despite any damages that may have occurred to you.  You can get autogenous graft near you by simply searching for autogenous graft near you online and you will get the right professional for the procedure and have your perfect smile and the full function of your teeth.

When you have lost your teeth all is not lost. You can have your tooth restored and your smile improved despite any physical damages. All you need to do is contact a good dentist who offers professional services and the best care that you can get. With the bond grafting procedure, you get an almost perfect restoration of your teeth.